Da Bulls - back with a vengence!

The Bulls swept the defending champion Miami out in round 1. Now they move to round 2 against Big Ben's former team. This brings up some good memories of the Bulls-Pistons rivalry from the early 90s!

I found some intro vids on YouTube. Which ones are better - the classics from the MJ era, or the modern stuff?

1. '92 Finals vs Portland at the old Chicago Stadium - noticed how the crowd goes nuts when MJ is introduced?

2. '98 Finals vs Utah at the United Center (with Ray Clay as the announcer):

Watching this still gives me the chills - crowd goes nuts again over MJ.

3. 2006 Intro Animation:

4. 2007 Playoff against Miami:

Cool vid...loved how the Miami bus was smashed!

5. 2007 Regular Season game versus Washington:

Man I'd love to be at the game. The new announcer doesn't muster the same level of energy though.


Mike and Grace said…
Love that 92' starting five. Grant with those glasses, MJ and Paxson!
I now support Deng! Best sportmanship award.
Vivek Manjeri said…
U guys r having a good time travellin nice man!
Btw did u see Everest on Yan's blog?

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